Saturday, June 18, 2016

MFT CampCreate: Wonderful Watercolor for June15


I was on my instagram account just scrolling and looking at some beautiful posts - I saw MFT picture about the CAMP CREAT. I was excited and read the rules immediately. I was disappointed at first because I wouldn't be able to join :( I have work that week and I'm away from home. Away to my beloved craft suppplies (exagerating this part). But then they replied to my post that I could still join since the deadline won't be this week. <insert happy dance>

Unfortunately, my daughter was sick on and off. When we got home thursday night, she has fever and coughing real bad. We cancelled her vbs the next day so she could rest. I was up and didn't have much sleep that night. The next morning, I drank 3 cups of coffee...and that's a new record to me. I have to make a birthday card for her friend and my brain can't seem to function well.

My plan is to make a simple and clean birthday card with watercolor. I'm very new to watercolor and the first try is bleh and went to the trashcan. I use a wrong black ink and it bled. The second try..not bad. But when I assemble the squirrels and the balloon, they don't click. I don't like the way it looks. So I tried to put this and that..just matching and see if I like this certain look and pattern. And the card I'm making that time turned into a shaker card. Hahahaha..

Though I love the shaker card... I spent so much time with watercolor that I feel like it's a waste. And I want to turn that immediately into a card. My brain is working overtime (thanks coffee) but my body is just soooo tired. I told myself, just one more watercolor balloon and you can sleep.

And that - I did! Thanks to mft watercolor video tutorial that I watched that day. I applied that technique to my card. <happy dance> And so, I could finally sleep.

The small balloon and the squirrels are my first watercolor creation that morning. Later, watercolor a big balloon using the technique I learned. I couldn't finish the card because my eyes are just so tired already. I choose sleep since I'm too scared to mess this up.

So this morning, I finish the card <3 I didn't use the small balloon but I'm definitely keeping it in future use. Geez! Watercolor isn't easy... Hahahhaa

And tadah! Am I happy? YES!!!! I was kinda addicted to birthday card with balloon and I'm definitely going to make more like this. More watercolor practice for me. :)

Thank you MFT crew for this wonderful opportunity to learn in your CAMP CREATE.

Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet! I love your huge watercoloured balloon. It caught my eye on the MFT blog and I had to come for more details. GREAT card!

    I do hope your daughter is feeling much better now.
